Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lesson 5, Triads and Figured Bass

Lesson 5 Triads and Figured Bass.

Part I. Triads and Figured bass
 Fig.1 Triads

•Triads are three or more pitches associated together  in some way.  
•pitches where the intervals are stacked in thirds are called triads as demonstrated on the left.
•Other chords with three pitches that are not stacked in thirds are called trichords

 Fig.2 Chord Qualities

•To make a major chord, play the first, third and fifth note of the major scale.
•To make a minor chord, do the same with the minor scale
•To create a diminished chord, Lower the fifth of a minor chord one-half step.
•To Create an augmented chord, raise the fifth of a major chord one-half step.

Fig.3 chord qualities and scales

 Fig.4 Examples of chords

 Fig.5 Inverting triads

when the root of the chord is not on the bottom, the chord is said to be inverted

 Fig.6 Open and closed spacing

 Fig.7 Figured bass

The figured bass give the intervals to be played above the given bass note.

 Fig.8 Most commonly used figured bass

Fig.9 examples of figured bass.